Volunteer with ACE
Work one performance during each run of a show on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday night or Sunday matinee and then see the show for free. Seat patrons, help with coffee and water service. Not required to usher every performance or even every show.
Sound & Lighting
Ever wanted to control things? Here's your chance! Each show requires someone to run the light and sound boards. Training available. Commitment to the run of the show and tech week is required (the week before we open).
Board of Directors
Actors Cabaret is a 501(c)(3) non-profit managed by a board of directors. It is their responsibility to maintain the health and well-being of the theatre. Usually monthly meetings. If you are interested in joining, please contact Jim Roberts at ACE.
Stage Crew
Help backstage with sets, props, costume changes. Means being there for the full run of the show, usually 4-5 weekends (Friday & Saturday nights and 2 Sunday matinees, sometimes an occasional Thursday evening) and tech week before a show opens.
Poster Delivery
Deliver posters to local businesses for them to display our upcoming show. Free admission to a performance at ACE for each show you work delivering the posters.
Every show at ACE begins and ends with the actors who volunteer their time and energy to bringing great musical theatre alive for our patrons. All auditions are open to anyone. If you've ever wanted to perform, ACE is the place for you!
Costumes, Props,
& Stage Prep
An opportunity to help create the costumes we use, pull together props for a show, paint and "dress" the sets. Flexible scheduling during weekdays.
Fund Raising
Want to help plan and execute an event to support Actors Cabaret's goal to bring the best live musical theatre to the community, and support local talent? We are developing a group of enthusiastic go-getters who want to help with this effort.